Fire safe

Certified fire safe gaskets for increased safety
In various industries, especially in the chemical industry, the demand for fire-safe applications increases. This means there is also a need for fireproof gaskets. To meet that demand from the industry, we have developed multifunctional gaskets that are completely fireproof and certified.
Strict testing
The Leader gaskets are subject to strict testing, such as API 6FB. They have been marked fire safe by the Yarmouth Research Lab and AMTEC Germany.

SR/SRI Spiral Wound Gaskets
Leader SR/SRI Gaskets are fire-resistant. SR/SRI is made of high quality graphite and has proven itself worldwide. They are produced oxygen clean. SR / SRI are available in all desirable sizes and ready for quick delivery.
LeaderKam gaskets have the quality of withstanding the highest temperatures and flammability in both welding environments and in heat exchangers.
Leader Elastagraph
Leader Elastagraph™ gaskets are produced by infusing seamless layers of flexible graphite at varying densities and thicknesses over a corrugated metallic core. Elastagraph™ utilizes a unique corrugated pattern which increases the depth of the groove and the pitch at the peak of the corrugation. This greatly improves the gaskets sealability over traditional corrugated designs. Leader Elastagraph has a fire safe approval tested and certified by AMTEC Germany.
Even at low seating stresses Leader Elastagraph gaskets are showing very low leakage rates and so contributes to reduce emissions in flange constructions to a minimum.