Leader Spiral Wound Gaskets
High Integrity SPW GasketsGASKETS

leader Spiral Wound Gaskets
The sealing element with inner- and outer guide ring. The “SRI” SWG’s are manufactured with an inner, outer guide ring, sealing element – winding material(SS316L, SS321…) and the soft fillers - graphite, PTFE, LeaderTHERM NXT 100...
The sealing element with inner ring. The “SI” SWG’s are manufactured with an inner ring, sealing element – winding material(SS316L, SS321…) and the soft fillers - graphite, PTFE, LeaderTHERM NXT 1000 (high temp. modified Phlogopi...
The sealing element with outer guide ring. The “SR” SWG’s are manufactured with an outer guide ring, sealing element – winding material(SS316L, SS321…) and the soft fillers - graphite, PTFE, LeaderTHERM NXT 1000 (high temp. modif...
The sealing element - no inner- and outer guide ring. The “S” SWG´s are manufactured in sealing element - winding material (SS316L, SS321…) and the soft fillers - graphite, PTFE, LeaderTHERM NXT 1000 (high temp. modified Phlogopi...
HDLE (High Density Low Emissions) Style SRI (spiralwound w/ inner & outer ring)...