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Dedicated to developing the right gaskets
With years of gained knowledge, Leader Gasket is able to play an important role in the supply of commodity and special gaskets for steam boilers and power plants. For each application worldwide Leader has the best self-developed gasket without concessions to safety and quality. These meet the most demanding process requirements. Leader is also committed to the development of alternative and renewable energy sources such as biodiesel, solar energy and wind turbines.
Leader Spiral Wound Gasket SR & SRI
Spiral wound gaskets are still the most popular due to the wide variety of styles and sizes available. They can be fabricated of any metal which is available in thin strip and which can be welded; therefore, they can be used against virtually any corrosive medium dependent upon the choice of metal and filler.
Leader Elastagraph Corrugated Metal Graphite Gaskets
The corrugated gasket Elastagraph® designed for high performance, low leakage, graphite gaskets for standard flange or heat exchanger applications. Designed as an engineered solution for large diameter fixed equipment where leakage and low available load are issues. High performance replacement for asbestos, jacketed gaskets, spiral wounds and is a less expensive option as compared to a kammprofile gasket.
Elastagraph® standard pipe gaskets for EN and AMSE flanges provides improved leakage and sealability even at low bolt forces contributing higher performance on Flange Integrity.
This LeaderKAM Kammprofile Gasket is highly recognized as the problem solver for Heat Exchangers, Large Vessels and units that see excessive movement from thermal expansion. The Kammprofile provides the tightest seal combined with superior load bearing characteristics. This gasket design is made with a metal core and available with or without outer ring. The metal core with its concentric serrations can be faced with graphite, ePTFE or LeadeTHERM mica.
For high temperature applications above 500 deg. C Leader provides MICA based solutions in LeaderKAM or Leader Spiral Wound Gasket. Lower leakage, reduction of emission under these circumstances and longer lifetime (reduction of oxidation) of flange gaskets used in this environment is achieved with the use of LeaderTHERM technology.
Leader Clipperlon modified PTFE
Leader Gasket’s Clipperlon range of modified PTFE sheet gasket are resistant to a broad range aggressive chemicals. In addition, they have an excellent gas-tightness and resistance to low temperatures and creep and flow. Clipperlon sheet gaskets are easy to handle and to be cut by hand in emergency cases. Some Clipperlon styles are also suitable for use in 100% sterile environments as in the food industry or pharmaceutical industry. For low to middle pressure systems Leader Clipperlon is a universal pipe gasket in Primary Industry throughout the whole range of chemicals including pickling and leach systems.